Our Services


Statutory Compliance

Statutory compliance is the legal structure within which a company must conduct itself with regards to the treatment of its employees.

It relates to the various labour and taxation laws prevalent in India. These laws change on a State and National level, and it is mandatory for companies to obey them. Non-compliance with these regulations can land a company into legal trouble such as penalties, fines, or worse. This is where we come in to help you achieve efficient and seamless compliance.


Payroll Management

It’s understandable that knowing every single labour and taxes legislation and its complexities is challenging. What is the best way to guarantee that a company’s statutory compliance is full and error-free? A good payroll management system is essential.

Payroll Compliances Includes Provident Fund (PF), Employee State Insurance (ESI), Professional Tax (PT) & Labour Welfare Fund (LWF). These compliances require a one time Registration and Periodic Payments, Challan Preparations and Filings


Labour Compliance

Labour law compliance refers to a set of accepted terms or conditions of employment. It refers to several regulatory compliances including minimum wages act, work men’s compensation act,contract labour act, factories act etc.

The best way to ensure compliance is to prepare a Labour Law Compliance Checklist and tick off each item on the list every month by a person assigned for the task.


Licence Management

This includes assisting you in documentation and submissions for applications under various labour laws from time to time right from commencement of the business up to the closure formalities.

  • Familiarising and educating vendors with the procedures for Licence, Registration, and Renewal under various Labour Laws.
  • Reporting non-compliance with Licence, Registration & Renewal under Labour Laws as per requirements with action plans to prevent recurrence.
  • Attending labour inspections on behalf of the client to ensure vendor compliance.
  • Registration and licences of sites under the Contract Labour Act and renewal of licences.
  • Obtaining various labour licences under the Contract Labour Act is the responsibility of the sub- vendor, wherever applicable.


Management Consultations

SVMS work with businesses to improve their performance by providing expert advice to solve problems and encourage growth. we work with businesses across a wide range of sectors, including HR and legal matters. It’s not just private firms – many public institutions use management consulting to improve their practices and efficiency.


Legal Advice

Employment and labour law compliance has become one of the most critical challenges that every firm doing business in India must address. Our labour and employment specialists are skilled at advising clients on the variety of regulations which must be followed by organisations doing business in India. Our staff has extensive expertise in adapting worldwide policies to match Indian standards and ensuring that businesses are completely compliant with employment and labour legislation.

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